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FX Certificato con protezione del capitale con barriera

Copertura del capitale

Exemplary underlying: any FX currency pair

In general, FX Barrier Capital Protected Certificates (Dolphin CPN) let you participate in the positive performance of an underlying, as long as no barrier event occurs. The potential rebate payment partially compensates for the risk of not benefiting from participation in the underlying in bullish (or bearish) market conditions. Additionally, this FX Barrier Capital Protected Certificate offers full or partial capital protection by the issuer/guarantor on the redemption date.

Il profilo di distribuzione ha il solo scopo illustrativo e si basa sull’ipotesi che non si verifichi una cessazione eccezionale in base alla documentazione del prodotto dell’emittente.

Caratteristiche principali di un esempio di prodotto




2 years


100% of positive performance of underlying, up to barrier of 125%, 5% rebate in case of barrier event




floor at 100%

You may consider an investment in this product, if

  • You are familiar with both structured products and foreign exchange markets
  • You intend to stay invested in this product until its redemption date
  • You are comfortable that the capital protection applies on the redemption date only
  • You do not expect the barrier level of the underlying to be touched or breached at any time until and including the expiration date (barrier event)
  • You wish to be invested in the investment currency of the product. If your reference currency is not equal to the investment currency of the product, the return may increase or decrease in reference currency terms as a result of exchange rate fluctuations

Summary of main product-specific benefits

Summary of main product-specific risks

  • Participation up to a certain barrier level
  • Full capital protection on the redemption date
  • Rebate payment partially compensates for the opportunity cost of not benefiting from a strong performance of the underlying

Summary of main product-specific risks

  • Capital protection applies on the redemption date only
  • No participation in the positive performance of the underlying in case of a barrier event
  • You are fully exposed to the issuer's default risk

Scenario Analysis

Return on investment (ROI) on the redemption date

Assumptions: USD investment, Spot Reference 1.0000 CHF per 1 USD, strike level 100%, capital protection 100%, participation 100%, barrier level 125%, rebate 5% (View: positive on USD/CHF)

Underlying on the
expiration date
ROI (redemption) if
barrier event does
not occur
ROI (redemption) if
barrier event occurs
USD/CHF Chg %    
1.4000 +40.00% n.a +5% (105%)
1.3000 +30.00% n.a +5% (105%)
1.2000 +20.00% 16.67% (116.67%) +5% (105%)
1.1000 +10.00% 9.09% (109.09%) +5% (105%)
1.0000 0.00% 0.00% (100%) +5% (105%)
0.9000 -10.00% 0.00% (100%) +5% (105%)
0.8000 -20.00% 0.00% (100%) +5% (105%)
0.7000 -30.00% 0.00% (100%) +5% (105%)
0.6000 -40.00% 0.00% (100%) +5% (105%)
0.5000 -50.00% 0.00% (100%) +5% (105%)
Solo a scopi illustrativi. Fonte: UBS