For clients in booking center Switzerland only

Finder for structured products

For clients in booking center Switzerland only
Always the perfect complement
How to optimize your portfolio with structured products
Structured products are the icing on the cake for a balanced portfolio. We offer you an individual solution for each specific need and for every potential market trend. With the product finder you can reach your goal in just a few steps.

What type of future are you expecting?

What is your view on future market performance: will it be quite positive, quite negative or neutral? You can map each of these three potential trends with structured products, align your portfolio accordingly – and benefit one way or another. Which scenario meets your expectations?

The ideal choice. For you too

Structured products offer you many advantages. Here are the four most important:
For bulls and bears.

With structured products, you can map expected market performance – and take advantage of it.

For the cautious and the risk-takers.

Do you want to protect your assets or increase your capital with just the right amount of risk? We have exactly the right structured products for every investor profile.

For all asset classes from A to Z.

Structured products cover all asset classes – from equities to interest. Not forgetting bonds, commodities, precious metals, currencies, real estate and many more.

For flexibility and liquidity.

Structured products are exactly the way you want them to be. Because we adapt them to your wishes and needs. And experience has shown that the market for structured products remains liquid, even in uncertain times.